Rhombic Calculator Program by WN1Z

You need to download the two files below: rhombic.xxx and rhombic.zzz -- after you've got them, rename rhombic.xxx as rhombic.exe, and rename rhombic.zzz as rhombic.chm

The application runs under Windows XP and should run under Windows 98. You might want to use the Windows command-line interface (used to be called DOS) to rename them:

ren rhombic.xxx rhombic.exe
ren rhombic.zzz rhombic.chm

The reason they have been given names ending in .xxx and .zzz is that many or most Web browsers will not allow you to download an .exe file, for security reasons.

Here are the files:
The rhombic executable
The Help file

Please email me if any problems "installing" or running the program: wn1z.orrin@gmail.com